Friday, November 10, 2006

Note of the author

 Note of the author

From the beginning I would like that the reader to not be upset on me for the fact that being patient in reading all this rows he didn’t find the essential elements that made me give the title of this work. This happens because of the element, which is the object of an invention, and you can’t know it.
I wrote these with the wish that they will mean a moral help, a shining of help for the people who suffer of the sickness named Psoriasis. They should have trust in this treatment with plants (Fitotherapy), they will find out that the new medicine can’t help.
By saying, “I was sick of Psoriasis “ I entered in a wanted contradiction to the actual, new medicine. All the doctors have told me, as they tell to the all other patients, that this sickness is hopeless, without realizing that they make something to the patients. If in the case of a man with cancer the doctor doesn’t tell to the patient that is hopeless why don’t they us this in the case of the man who suffers of Psoriasis?
The way I used and the time which passed (over 17 years), time in which the sickness didn’t reappear, make me consider right to say, “I was sick of Psoriasis “. All the doctors have told me that the sickness might appear even after 15 to20 years and that this isn’t a healing and just a temporary amelioration. But I permit to make a comparation not very opportune. If by getting cold and after the treatment, I get cold once more and after coming winter I get cold again, could I say that cold is a helpless disease? Even if this comparation is a little bit forced I just wanted you to know that now there is a treatment which treats the intern causes of the Psoriasis and this skin disease can be healed or at least ameliorated for a long time. THE DENIPLANT TEA EXISTS! I agree that there is the possibility of getting sick again. I will treat again with the tea and I will get healed for other 20 years.
Wouldn’t you, the man suffering of Psoriasis, be content of this?

For other informations please visite

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